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Messaging TLC FAQ
View to learn about Check Images, Stop Payments and Messaging
1. How do I message someone at TLC?
Once you have logged on to Online Banking, you will click on the "Messages" menu option and click the “Start a conversation” button.

2. How long does it take to receive a response?
A representative typically responds within 10-15 minutes during regular business hours.

3. Can I have replies sent to my email address?
No, for security reasons, replies will only be sent to the messaging center.
4. How will I know if I received a response?
If you have allowed push notification on your mobile app, you will receive an alert to your phone.

You will also receive an email with a link that will take you directly to the message.

5. How do I reply to a message?
To send a reply to a message, click on the conversation you wish to answer and then enter your response in the "Type your message..." area and send.

6. Can I save or delete my messages?
Yes, in the Inbox, there will be a trash can icon to delete the message.

7. Can I opt out of messages?
No, the ability to opt out of messaging is not available. Messaging is a permanent feature in Online Banking.
8. Can I use messaging to send/receive personal emails?
No, messaging can only be used to communicate with TLCCU.
9. Who do contact if I have further questions?
You can contact us at (517) 263-9120 during normal business hours.
10. Can I use messaging to email other TLCCU Members?
No, messaging cannot be used to send emails to other members.

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