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Quicken FAQ
Frequent Questions - Quicken
1. Can I download account history into Quicken?
Yes, Online Banking supports the current version of Quicken plus two previous versions for downloading your account history.
2. Can I download into earlier versions of Quicken?
We support the current version of Quicken plus two prior versions.
3. Is WebConnect or Direct Connect for Quicken available?
Online Banking supports the WebConnect method for downloading your account history into your Quicken software.
4. What is WebConnect?
WebConnect is a one-way communication from Online Banking to Quicken for the purpose of downloading your checking and savings history. This method of downloading your history replaces the QIF download process.
5. How do I sign up for WebConnect?
We do not require an enrollment. Simply access your account from Online Banking, retrieve the desired history and click on the "Quicken" button from the download section at the bottom of the page.
6. Can I download my history into QuickBooks?
Yes. There is a QuickBooks download button in the download area.
7. Can I send emails or Bill Payments via Quicken?
At this time Online Banking only supports the download of statement data via WebConnect. DirectConnect, the two way communication that allows the above transactions is not supported.
8. How does WebConnect work?
WebConnect allows the user to setup an online register for accounts held at participating institutions. A download button within Quicken launches a window for easy access to Online Banking, you log on, download the history and Quicken either imports the data into your new register or prompts you to accept the transactions into your existing register. The register keeps track of the downloaded transactions to avoid duplicate entries.
- Log on to Online Banking
- Select "Quicken
- Select the account history and time frame to download
- Click ‘Submit’
- If prompted to either Open or Save the file, Click on Open
- Your Quicken software will be launched and your data will be imported into your register. If this is the first download for the account,Quicken will prompt you to select an existing register or create a new one.
Downloaded transactions are automatically matched with transactions that have been manually entered into the register to avoid duplicate entries.
9. How do I request my first WebConnect download?
Simply follow the steps below to download your account history into Quicken:
- Log on to Online Banking
- Select "Quicken" from the download section located at the bottom of the history page
- Select the account history and time frame to download
- Click on “Submit” button
- If prompted to either Open or Save the file, click on Open
- Your Quicken software will be launched and your data will be imported into your register. If this is the first download for the account, Quicken will prompt you to select an existing register or create a new one.
Downloaded transactions are automatically matched with transactions that have been manually entered into the register to avoid duplicate entries.
10. Where can I find additional information about Quicken?
You can visit Quicken's website.

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